Practical tasks to learn more about DevOps

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Task 01. Run docker locally.

Paul, the CTO in your company is very interested in containers technology. You were asked to play with Docker. So in this task you need to setup custom application in container.


0. Warmup

To learn about docker do following simple tasks:

  1. Run locally nginx container with exposed port. Make sure that you can access default nginx page on exposed port.
  2. Run locally nginx container with exposed port and replace default index.html file with your own. Make sure that you can access your page on exposed port.
  3. Build container dev-tools that would be created from ubuntu image, and has installed git,make, build-essential packages.
  4. Upload previously created image dev-tools to dockerhub. Try to pull it from dockerhub.

1. Repository

Fork repository for task05 and clone forked repo.

2. Build docker image

You need to update Dockerfile that has nginx with php support, copy file index.php to needed folder and make sure nginx and container setup in a way that after starting container you should be able to see rendered php page in your browser by address http://localhost:8080/index.php.

  • Upload your docker image to DockerHub: Create free account in DockerHub. Push your recently built docker image to dockerhub.

3. Make your work visible

Create Pull Request with changes on Dockerfile.

Additional tasks if you feel that it was too easy.

  1. Instead of copying index.php to container find a way to be able to edit this file locally and see your changes after refreshing page.


  • Docker allows you manipulating containers. Containers are more lightweight then VM, so it allows to run more applications on the same hardware.


  • N/A

Heroes of the task:
