Practical tasks to learn more about DevOps

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Task 02. Run WordPress in docker.

“Video Games Magazine” become so popular that it was decided to hire programmer that would create plugins for WordPress that would customize your site. One day appeared girl named Mei. Mei asked you to set up her WordPress in docker on her laptop, so that she can develop locally. After you proposed to use Vagrant she answered that Vagrant and VMs is The Prehistoric Period, and she wants to have something modern.


1. Repository

2. Build docker image

  • Build wordpress image 1:You need to update Dockerfile that has nginx with php support, to set up wordpress with predefined theme and thank-after-post plugin v0.8.0. Then build docker image with unique tag.
  • Build wordpress image 2:You need to update Dockerfile that has nginx with php support, to set up wordpress with predefined theme and thank-after-post plugin v0.9.0. Then build docker image with unique tag.

Note: Those imagase shouldn’t include database. it will be running in separate docker container.

3. Upload images to public container regisry using GitHub actions.

  • Create GitHub workflow: Workflow should build image on every update of master branch, tag this image with unique tag and push it to one of the public repositories of your choice.

4. Run local WordPress setup in containers.

  • Describe docker containers: Update docker-compose.yml file so that two containers started: database that uses mysql docker image, and wordpress that connects to database.
  • Work localy: Make sure that after starting docker-compose you are able to see, login, create posts on wordpress by accessing it through http://localhost, or https://localhost if you want to configure it with HTTPS.
  • Work with different images: On previous step you create two docker images with different plugin version. To check if it works perfectly try to run wordpress with one image, create post and make sure that you see thank after your post text when publishing. Then update image name with tag that contains plugin version v0.9.0 and publish new post. It should have newer version of plugin
  • Configure through environment variables: Make sure that all configuration is set through environment variables.

5. Make your work visible.

  • Create Pull Request with changes on Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml files.

Additional tasks if you feel that it was too easy.

  1. N/A


  • Last line of Dockerfile is CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord"], it means that supervisord will start up nginx and php-fpm to run on the same container. If you want to add anything addition for runtime of container, you need to everride supervisord’s configuration.
  • Docker compose is next level of manipulating docker containers. It allows to get its logs, see running containers and get many more information.


  • N/A

Heroes of the task: