Practical tasks to learn more about DevOps

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Task 04. Setup CI/CD for WordPress with containers using Jenkins.


1. Repository

2. Start up local jenkins from repository

  • Set proper values for .env file: In .env file change value of SEED_JOBS_URL variable to url of your forked repo. This repo would be used to store your pipeline configuration changes.
  • Start jenkins server: On your cloned repository from task 4 start docker-compose.

3. Create manual job to add tags to wordpress plugin.

  • Create your first Jenkins job: You should create job that will take two string parameters:
    • plugin_url - it will be used to point to repo for your plugin URL
    • new_tag - new version of plugin that you can set manualy

Job should do following:

  1. Clone repository of your thank-after-post forked repo
  2. Get the latest tag
  3. Increment minor version of the tag. For examle, you had tag v0.9.0 then next version should be v0.10.0. For more info check this site
  4. Uag repo with incremented version and push to remote
  5. Trigger deploy_dev pipeline and set plugin_version as your updated version, git_url - repo of thank-after-post plugin.

4. Update pipeline deploy_dev.

4.1. Update build_wp_image stage.

  • Build docker wordpress image with newly created plugin: build wordpress image with provided version of plugin.
  • Push docker wordpress image with plugin to Docker Hub

4.2. Run docker-compose with new wordpress image.

Configure this stage to do following things:

  1. On the repo from task 02 update docker-compose.yaml file, so that exposed port on wordpress and image version of the wordpress would be readed from environment variable. For more help check out this page.
  2. Clone repo from task 02.
  3. export variable for wordpress tag from plugin_version
  4. Export variable for exposed port by wordpress on dev enivronment. For example: 81
  5. Run docker-compose in detached mode, so that you are able to login to started wordpress blog.

4.3. Run tests.

  • Run container with tests that you created for task 03 to test that new plugin was successfully deployed on wordpress.

4.4. Clean dev environment.

  • Run docker-compose down -v for dev environment

5. Create deploy_prod pipeline.

  • Copy deploy_dev job configuration: copy file job_configs/deploy_dev.groovy to deploy_prod. And make proper changes in this file.

  • Copy deploy_dev job: copy file jobs/deploy_dev.groovy to deploy_prod. And make proper changes in this file.

  • Input parameters should be same as for deploy_dev pipeline

  • Key difference in deploy_prod from deploy_dev:

    1. exposed port should be 80, not 81.

4.5. Add trigger to start deploy_prod from deploy_dev

6. Make your work visible

  • Create Pull Request with all changes for task 4.
  • Create Pull Request with all changes for task 3.

Additional tasks if you feel that it was too easy.

  1. N/A


  • Take your time to understand how jenkins work.
  • If you check out job configuration scriptPath it reads file. This file is also called Jenkinsfile.
  • After jenkins creation there would be only one z_seed_job in dashboard. To load all your pipelines you should run this job.
  • To check your changes to any stage you need to commit and push your changes to the repo.
  • If you make changes to job configuration (for example create new deploy_prod pipeline) you need to commit and push your changes, then to run z_seed_job manualy.
  • If you make changes to job, you only need to commit and push changes to repo and just manualy trigger deploy_dev job.


  • N/A

Heroes of the task: