Practical tasks to learn more about DevOps

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Task 02. Run blog engine on k8s. Pods.

You started learning Kubernetes from the Pods. So your first idea was to run “Video Games Magazine” inside those pods.


1. Repository

2. Run local WordPress setup in single pod.


  • Run pod with MySQL database: Update wordpress_manifest.yaml so that there would be pod wordpress with database container that listens on port 3306. Password and other parameters should be hardcoded in manifest.
  • Run app container with Wordpress in the same pod: Update wordpress_manifest.yaml so that there would be pod wordpress with additional app container that listens on port 80 and accessing database by address localhost:3306. Password and other parameters should be hardcoded in manifest.
  • Check that wordpress pod is running.

3. Run local WordPress setup in multiple pods.


  • Run pod with MySQL database: Update database.yaml so that there would be pod database with mysql container that works on port 3306. Password and other parameters should be hardcoded in manifest.
  • Check that database pod is running.
  • Run pod with Wordpress: Update wordpress.yaml so that there would be pod wordpress with app container that works on port 80. Password and other parameters should be hardcoded in manifest. Use database pod’s hostname as your database.
  • Check that wordpress pod is running.

4. Run Init container inside WordPress pod.


  • Build container with wordpress that doens’t have plugin built it.
  • Replace container image from app container with newly built image.
  • Run Init container plugin-download that downloads plugin: Before app container started we need to have thank-after-post-plugin to be downloaded by plugin-download container and later to be mounted in app container. Please update wordpress.yaml file for this task.

5. Make your work visible.

Create Pull Request with changes on files:

  • wordpress_manifest.yaml
  • database.yaml
  • wordpress.yaml

6. Cleanup created resources

Additional tasks if you feel that it was too easy.

  1. Resources and limits: Before running any container it’s always nice to limit it’s resources usage so that it doesn’t allocate all of them. Try to use it.
  2. Kubernetes has mechanism to check whether container is ready to handle traffick, it’s called readinessProbe. Try to use it.
  3. Kubernetes has mechanism to check whether container is ready to handle traffick, it’s called livenessProbe. Try to use it.


  • Try to find info, how to get pod’s hostname
  • N/A


  • N/A

Heroes of the task: