Practical tasks to learn more about DevOps

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Task 03. Run WordPress on kubernetes using Deployment, StatefulSet, Service.

Now it’s time to scale your application to be able to handle load. So you decided to use deployments, services, statefulsets in your blog engine.


1. Repository

2. Understand Kubernetes basics.

  • Learn about Kubernetes Deployment: read documentation
  • Run simple application in deployment from file: Create deployment using yaml file wordpress_manifest.yaml, with name simple-app that would run dockersamples/static-site container, has label app: simple-app and has 2 replicas, exposed port 80. Apply your changes to kubernetes. And using kubectl port-forward command try to open you application in browser.
  • Run simple application in deployment using command line: Create deployment using command kubectl run, with name simple-app2 that would run dockersamples/static-site container, has label app: simple-app2 and has 2 replicas, exposed port 80. Apply your changes to kubernetes. And using kubectl port-forward command try to open you application in browser.

  • Learn about Kubernetes Service: read documentation
  • Expose simple-app pods as one endpoint: After creating and properly configuring service make sure that application is available on this service.
  • Clean up: remove created previously deployments and service.

2. Run local MySQL database with StatefulSet.

  • Learn about Kubernetes StatefulSet
  • Create StatefulSet database: Create statefulSet named database, with container mysql, with labels that you want. Add it to database.yaml file.
  • Expose database using service. Make sure that MySQL is accessible by port 3306. Add it to database.yaml file.

3. Run local WordPress setup in couple pods using Deployment.

  • Create Deployment with following parameters:
    • deployment name: wordpress
    • replicas: 2
    • pods labels app: wordpress
    • use wordpress pod manifest from previous task as a template for deployment
    • save manifest to wordpress.yaml file
  • Expose wordpress using service. Make sure that Wordpress blog is accessible by port 80. Add it to wordpress.yaml file.

4. Make your work visible.

Create Pull Request with changes on files:

  • wordpress_manifest.yaml
  • database.yaml
  • wordpress.yaml

5. Cleanup created resources

Additional tasks if you feel that it was too easy.

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  • N/A

Heroes of the task: